Here is my family tree. i got really bored... and i think i missed a few but oh well... i couldnt fit phil in, he married diane. and i didnt feel the need to go above my grandparents lol... ------ means married to. ____ means i had to fill it in or it wouldnt publish correctly lol. _ basically means i was spacing and blogger wont publish more than 1 space....
STARKEY SIDE_________________________RAVSON SIDE
cousins in order
of age, not importence...
if it were importance then
danielle would be first <3
i left the person i am married to blank cuz... well... idk who that is. same with my kiddies. i could guess but that would do no good, now would it?
Good Day Sunshine.
hang on, gotta call someone. December 2nd, 2008. 3:09 pm
mmk im back.
you know what i want for christmas?
a big hug :)
thats it.
just a hug
doesnt matter who
as long as you are a girl (i am indeed sexist, but i dont hate guys i just prefer to talk with girls)
i just wana a hug
nothin else
well... maybe... eh nvm, a hug will do :)
actually maybe a cuddle too? im cold. brrrr!!!
i cant wait... 1 1/2 years and im far away from here!
of course where i am going it is... slightly colder than here...
depending on what area anyway. i havent chosen an area yet
but my friend is coming too! yay!
yes she is a female and not a guy lol
no i am not dating her. she is too good for me ;)
we can turn the heat up all the way though! and have as many blankets as we want!
i am very hungry right now too
and somewhat thirsty
my cell got taken away... grr
i didnt even do anything
like seriously... i am sick and was gunna stay home and my dad comes in my room while im trying to sleep and says "gimme ur phone"
it sucks cuz i wanna talk to my friends
the few that i have
im going to talk to my "wife" now... we arent really married, just pretend we are lol
brrrr im cold
who wants to cuddle!!!!!
i am so bored...
anyone wanna playa game?
im gunna... hmm... idk what im gunna do.
maybe ill go cry. yeah. that might keep me warm and occupied lol
actually i will go make some soup for me, be right back
ok now im back.... lalalalaaaa... took me 10 minutes lol. whatever...
its good soup. nice and warm. hehe
im still cold... its been a long, long, long time
since i have been warm
too long actually...
(not my song, this is Only A Northern Song by the beatles... but i added a few changes to it)
if you are listening to my song, you may think my chords are wrong
but they're not
i just wrote it like that
if you are reading late at night, you may think the words are not quite right
but they are
they just printed like that
it doesnt really matter what clothes, i wear or how i fare
or if my hair is brown
cuz this is my song
and so are you :)
how does it feel to be
one of the beautiful
feels gooooood
so anyways... i looked at my mirror the other day... well not my mirror, the one in the bathroom. and i noticed that my eye color had changed. its been a while since i looked in my eyes but they had changed. they used to be completely hazel with little green spots. now i have like 3 areas... kinda like if you cut the earth in half? the core is entirely hazel but darker than before... outside of that my eyes are a mixture of light blue and green. looks cool... and outside of that is a very thin ring of very dark blue. my eyes are so cool now lol. ill draw a picture and put it in here...
yep. i uploaded it. thats kinda what my eye looks like... except my eye looks alot cooler in person and its 2-D... i think ill go now. i gotta go contradict myself... a pacifist playing violent video games lol. i usually just heal people so its all good :D